Thanks once again to our co-sponsor Borderlands Restorative Network and all the many volunteers who helped us pull off a wonderful day. Hundreds of people enjoyed the April 20th event in the Patagonia Town Park which included:
Speakers: (Connie Williams on climate change; Kate Tirion on permaculture; Sean Schrag-Toso on water resources; Rodo Sofranac on the Arizona Trail; Stephen Strom on Bears Ears; Kiyomi Morino on tree rings plus Ashley Avila & Connie Williams on our legacy). We extend heartfelt thanks to the organizations that sponsored the speakers: Patagonia Area Resource Alliance, the Deep Dirt Farm, Arizona Borderlands Democrats and the Patagonia Public Library.
Events: The Story Time Walk facilitated by Laura Wenzel, our librarian; kite giveaway & flying; face painting courtesy of Patagonia Creative Arts Association; yoga in the park led by Samantha Shore of Sol Fit AZ plus movie screenings of “Modified: A Food Lover’s Journey into GMO’s” and “The Beaver Believers”.
Booths: Friends of Sonoita Creek; Patagonia Area Resource Alliance; AZ Democrats; Borderlands Restoration native plant sale; Energy bike demo; Friends of the Library book sale; Patches O’Nassis – Blue Road sustainable living demo, Tucson Audubon, the 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors and the Lending Shed rummage sale.
Food: Rose Quiroga’s burros thanks to the Museum; Cassina Farley’s baked goods; Jackrabbit BBQ foodtruck; Ovens of Patagonia sweets and entrees from The Happy Cooker.
Music: was provided by Mariachis Penumbra, Gertie and the T.O. Boyz, the Zach Farley Band, Rebekah & Matt Rolland and the Hog Canyon Band.
Tours & off-site activities: such as area tree plantings, an art show and recycling lessons were provided by the Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds, Nature Conservancy Patagonia Sonoita Creek Preserve, the Deep Dirt Farm & Institute, The Patagonia Museum, the Patagonia Regional Times, Patagonia Creative Arts Association/Tin Shed Theater and Borderlands Restoration.
If you missed the event, folks like Kayla Lewis-Simpson took lots of great photos. Please check out our EARTHfest photo gallery where we’ve saved some of the 2019 pics because preserving memories is what museums do.
Mark your calendars. EARTHfest will be back on April 18th, 2020. Until then, take good care of our environment. As we all know, there is no Planet B.