Good news! The Patagonia Museum will host our fifth fundraising and educational tour to the Rio Sonora Valley on February 18, 19 and 20. Our expert guides are Dr. Deni Seymour and Bill Steen. You can read more about their very impressive backgrounds here. Musical entertainment will be provided by P.D. Ronstadt and The Company.
Our chartered motor coach will depart from Patagonia on Tuesday, February 18, at 8 am and will return to Patagonia on Thursday, February 20, in the late afternoon.
The price per person which includes transportation, lodging, meals and meal gratuities is $600 (double occupancy) per museum members and $650 for non-members. (As an FYI, membership into the Patagonia Museum is open to anyone who supports our work. The fee starts as low as $5 for students, $35 for individuals and $50 for households so if you are planning to go to Banamichi, it’s worth becoming a member….for that reason and a lot more.)
There is limited seating for this tour so please let us know if you plan to go as soon as convenient. Proceeds from this fundraising event support our programs and projects. For more info, see the Banamichi Bus Tour Flyer March 2020.
If you would like to join us, please print off the registration form and return it along with a check to PO Box 919, Patagonia, AZ 85624.
Banamichi Bus Tour Registration Form March 2020
Questions should be directed to German Quiroga at 520.343.5641 or via email: german@thepatagoniamuseum.org.