The Lochiel One Room Schoolhouse
Built before 1905 of adobe and used as a schoolhouse through the 1970’s, the property which is owned by the Patagonia School District, became a site for vandals and litterbugs. In 2010 The Patagonia Museum leased the schoolhouse property from the Patagonia School District for the purpose of preserving this historic site as a historic and educational facility for our students and community.
The work continues today with the help of dozens of volunteers and financial and in-kind support from individuals and groups including: The Patagonia Regional Community Foundation, Arizona Centennial Legacy Project, Tucson Glass and Mirror , The San Rafael Valley Association and Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historical Preservation. Volunteer and architect Brian McCarthy has provided The Patagonia Museum with an architectural drawing of the schoolhouse.
Please check our calendar for upcoming Lochiel clean-up volunteer opportunities. We would appreciate your help.