9/15/18 – Mike Anderson, Speaker

The Patagonia Museum will hold our annual meeting on Saturday, September 15th at 10:30 am. The business meeting will be followed by a presentation by Mike Anderson on the “Bisbee Deportation” which was one of the most important events to take place in the U.S. during the First World War.
Background: Mike Anderson has been interested in history for as long as he can remember. A resident of Arizona since 1961, he taught Arizona history, world geography and world history as a high school social studies teacher. The author of “Warren Ballpark,” Mike is also a catcher for the Bisbee Black Sox Vintage Base Ball Club. His articles on southern Arizona pioneer peace officers have been published in the Journal of Arizona History and he has had numerous articles appearing in the Cochise County Historical Journal. Mike has also worked as a newspaper reporter and managing editor. In 2017, Mike participated in the centennial commemoration of the Bisbee Deportation, tasked with researching the 1,186 men who were deported from Bisbee in July 1917. He was a cast member of the documentary “Bisbee ’17,” the movie that was filmed in Bisbee during the Centennial and scheduled for release in Sept. 2018. Along with two friends, he produces and performs on The Farm and Ranch Report, a half-hour radio comedy program that airs each week on KBRP-LP, Bisbee’s community FM radio station. He lives in the Warren neighborhood of Bisbee with his wife Judy.
Our timing is perfect because the new movie “Bisbee ’17” is opening the day before at the Loft in Tucson and the Uptown Theater in Sierra Vista.