The Audience Has Spoken…

And there is no doubt the SCFPA benefit concert on April 25th was a resounding success, as evidenced by the fact that it was standing room only in the Benderly-Kendall Opera House.
The Museum owes a huge round of thanks to those of you from the community who came to the event to support us. We also send kudos to the members of the Santa Cruz Singers, Evan Kory, their accompanist and Christina Wilhelm, director extraordinaire. Thank you for the hours you spent preparing for the concert. The standing ovation was well deserved.
If you haven’t attended an event at the Opera House in Patagonia, make a note to do so. It is an incredible venue and we promise you will not be disappointed by any performance you hear there.
We’re in the early stages of planning our next tandem event in 2020 with a concert under the stars on the Museum grounds at the top of the list. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
Until then, the Museum thanks the Santa Cruz Foundation for the Performing Arts for a truly magical event.