Art + History – The Pottery of Martha Kelly

We are very pleased to feature the work of Martha Kelly, a potter who has operated her studio in Patagonia since 1981, in our current “Art + History” exhibit.
Martha was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York which is a long way from Patagonia. It was a month-long clay work workshop in Greenwich Village when she was sixteen that began her long journey into the world of clay. In the late seventies, she studied and became an apprentice potter to Barbara Clark at the Cascabel Clayworks outside of Benson, Arizona. Not long after, she moved to the small town of Patagonia where she opened her studio, Shooting Star Pottery.
If you missed opening night, you missed a fun party. The good news is her work will be on display at the Museum until the middle of April.
The museum is open on Thursday – Sunday from 2 until 4.